Saturday, August 13, 2005

Unwanted pregnancy...

I saw this blog on The description of the blog was:
My ex-boyfriend and I had been dating for months. On our 8th month anniversary, he broke up with me when I told him that I was pregnant with his child. This blog records my thoughts, reflections and feelings of dealing with this unwanted pregnancy

I read the whole blog because I very kaypoh, the blog had only 3 entries, and it's probably not going to be updated anymore. Cindy actually wrote about this scenario a couple of days ago...

I feel really sorry for her after reading her blog. It made me sit up straight (not literally, since I ALWAYS slouch) and think seriously. It is also perculiarly unsettling that her profile is so close to my circle of friends. My friends probably know a friend who knows this person. Heck! My friends probably know this person (I probably don't know her, because according to her, she emailed everyone she knew, including his friends). She (and him) went to JC (like most of my friends), got educated in the states (like some of my friends), and got a double degree (like a few of my friends).

It is unsettling not because I may know her, or my friends may know her. It is unsettling because this is not some case of a teen/pre-teen unwanted pregnancy, nor is it some uneducated woman trying to tie down a husband with a future. No! This is a case where a couple, both with bright prospects in their future career, both with a full set of loving parents, who both know the risks, really have an accident/mistake.

After cursing and swearing at the irresponsible boyfriend/father of the unborn child in my mind for the duration of the blog-reading, and perhaps another half hour after... lets take a step back from all of that and see what we can learn.

One. Guys like LX (the F*&%ing B^%ST$&D) just give all other men a bad name. These kind of guys that get their gf pregnant, then break off and shirk away are worse than cheating husbands. At least cheating husbands take care of their children.

Two. Contraception is VERY important. If only if they'd use a condom, this wouldn't happen. Remember, don't get pregnant/impregnate unless you really want to!

Three. Guys like LX should just get their heads chopped off.

Four. If and when you really get pregnant, should you abort or keep the baby? I guess this is the crux of the issue, and the main point of this post. * I have a really long intro huh?

I personally find myself a pro-choice kind of person. I'm all for voluntary euthanasia, passive or active. I'm also all for organ donations, and i think legislation such that all people will donate their organs by default, unless they opt out, is a very good idea. I'm also pro stem-cell research, and can't really comprehend why so many are against it. In fact, if you've been reading my blog, I even think Iran and North Korea have a right to building their nuclear weapons. Hah. So naturally, I think abortion should be legal.

But just to clarify my stand, in case it ever gets questioned... I think it is ok to do whatever you want, as long as you do not impose your will onto others, and do no harm to others.

So, back to the point. I think abortion should, without a doubt, be legalised. But should the person in question go for the abortion?

If I were her, I'll abort it.

But then again, I'm a guy, so its too easy for me to say...


Ang Ku Kueh said...

my ideas: if i were younger..say 19 and still studying, i'll abort. but now, maybe i'll think twice since i quite old already....but abort will be default choice for me.

Anonymous said...

You got a spelling mistake
Its PECULIARLY, not "percularly"

~ your most handsome fren from stanford.
p.s. i did not get any girl pregnant

Wallace said...

Thanks, anonymous, I've corrected it.

i only know one friend who's so bu yao lian. And if you are indeed who I think you are, you probably didn't write your name cus you want me to address you by name, and hence confirm that you're "my most handsome friend".

but i'm not stupid, so you'll remain anonymous. =)