Monday, August 01, 2005

Funny thing about Singapore $50 notes...

You've probably noticed this anomaly, but dismissed it immediately because its so commonplace it seems almost natural...

First of all, take out any Singapore 50 dollar bill you have. Fold it into two.

...... Don't look further until you've done what i said ........

Now, did you fold it such that the face of Yusof Ishak is inside the fold, or outside?

If you folded it such that the face is inside, well, you're one of 99% of people that folds it this way. The other 1% that folds it the other way probably has some vision deficiency. hahaha.. just joking. seriously, if you folded it the other way, i'd like to know why. drop a comment will ya?

Why do people fold the notes the same way? Is it because everyone else folds it like that, so the notes are already folded in one direction and therefore its easier to fold it the same way? but if so, why do people also fold NEW notes the same way? habit? and, why is this more prevalent in $50 than in $10, $5 or $2 notes? it cannot be easily explained, hence i call it an anomaly...

I've never noticed the same thing with American Dollars or British Pounds.

1 comment:

Wallace said...

Hi peiyan! nice of you to drop by!

yeah, why is that the face side is considered by most to be the front? is it the most "attractive" side?