Monday, August 01, 2005

National Skin Center

Some of you might know that I have little warts on my right hand. it isn't really bothering me, and most people won't notice - but i've been having it for some time now, and it seems to be increasing in number...

My mum asked me to put some salicyclic acid on it. its supposed to "burn" the warts away. but i've been putting it faithfully for 2 weeks now, and it isn't getting any better.

So I thought its best to burn it away with liquid nitrogen or something. my mum told me can just walk into the NSC, see a doc, and get it burnt away immediately.

This morning, (no, actually, i woke up at 1pm, which was considered "morning") I left for the NSC, went up to the reception, and was politely informed that I need an appointment. Can either pay "fifty-four, sixty eight" for consultation for an appointment, or go to polyclinic for referral. haiz, she scared me with that "fifty-four, sixty-eight", so i decided to go to the polyclinic.

i went down to Geylang Polyclinic. I took a queue number for registration, then walked out to get a sardine puff and teh-ping for "breakfast". came back and waited for another 15 min.

after registration, was given another queue number for room 51. Hmm.. this time the queue numbers are not called in order, so I didn't know how long it'll take. I went upstairs and saw that there were another 150 patients to be seen, so I decided to take another walk.

I came back in 30 mins, and there still were another 75 numbers before my turn. Finally, after another 20 mins, I was seen. I didn't want to waste the doc's time, so I got straight to the point. In the end I was out of the room in 2 mins. btw, ever notice how almost ALL docs have very very simplified signatures? some docs just write a single letter. there are some docs that just write a tick mark. hahaha.. understandable i suppose, given that they prob sign a thousand signatures a day. hahaha..

so after about 2 and a half hours later, and eight dollars poorer, I had my appointment at NSC on 2nd Sep. "what? i'll be gone by then!"

"oh don't worry, just call this number to change your appointment"

i managed to change the appointment, fortunately, so don't worry.

I'm just wondering, will my doctor friends be able to help next time? can i get a referral just by calling? or must i still sit in line at the polyclinic?

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