Sunday, July 03, 2005

I knew it...

I guess you knew too. I'm neglecting my blog.

Being plain lazy isn't the only reason why I've not been posting posts. I simply have nothing interesting to post.

For the sake of pple who're still reading my blog and interested to know how things are going on at my side and what I'm doing - I'll write something.

Life the past week has been really boring. I thought that it was what I wanted - you know, being the slacker I thought I was - the more free time I had, the merrier. Well, I really had loads of free time. While L had classes and had to go to lab, I had absolutely nothing important to do. No lectures, no courseworks, no projects. No movies, no serials. No house cleaning, no bills to pay, no errands.

I feel like I'm really wasting away... At least back in Singapore I would play soccer with my friends, or go eat/hang-out. Or fetch my mum to work. Or play with my dog.

So, in order to kill some time, i've taken the following steps:

1. I go to the gym. Bought a copy of Men's Fitness at the airport during my trip to NY, to kill some time on the plane. L had told me that it was the magazine from which a particular gay guy had cut out pictures and pasted all over his bathroom door. That issue of Men's Fitness had a nice looking woman (wearing a sports bra and bikini bottom). The other fitness magazine (I forgot the name) had a lot of super huge men in all their articles and also on the cover. After consideration, I felt that MF is probably less gay than the other fitness magazine. And so I bought it. Anyway, the magazine inspired me a bit to get my gut in shape... AND, the gym is a perfect way to spend energy and time. see, after working out, you're tired. so you go to sleep. and thats like 4 hours of time used. Best of all, you feel good and healthy, and can look in the mirror in self-delusion and convince yourself that your biceps/triceps/pecs look bigger. haha

2. I browse for bargains. Its a cool way to waste time. L bought a 1550 laptop for 800 bucks because I found a DELL $750 off 1500 coupon there. great deal I say. man, the US is really a haven for computers/ laptops/ memory/video cards. its very cheap, and there are mail-in-rebates. i'll explain MIR later. but man! i wish there was a way to buy these stuff from the UK, where I'll be next time... Anyway, I digress. I found that, a dvd rental company, was offering a 2 month free trial for netflix customers. hmm.. i don't know if you guys know, but there's this system where you can "subscribe" to a service that gives you unlimited movies to watch. They post you like 3 DVDs, and include return envelopes. you can take your time to watch them. after you're finished, you mail them back and they'll mail you more from a "queue" that you've created. well, previously i subscribed to 2 weeks of free trial from Netflix. but being the stingy miser, of course i cancelled it after the 2 weeks. so now i emailed my cancellation notice to blockbuster, and they gave me 2 months free trial (instead of the usual 2 weeks). so cool! i just got 3 dvds yesterday: Resident Evil:Apocalypse, Sideways and Racing Stripes. muahahha.. more time wasted.

3. I browse the internet. its really hard trying to keep up with stuff you know. new stuff keeps appearing. i've looked at cell phone reviews, monitor reviews, newest gadgets, video cards, porn, laptops, computer cases, cooling systems... maybe if i post some stuff that i like... i'll have more posts, pple will start reading my blog, and i'll have more incentive to browse more. hahaha. oh yeah, check out gizmodo. its quite a cool site. I'll link it when i'm not feeling too lazy. (yah its not easy ley. have to login to logger, and edit the template. and the template damn hard to edit can? its in a small little text box, and you can't search for the word or press tab or anything.. sigh.. wish they'd let me do sommething like "upload template")

4. I cook. because summer is the end of the academic year, a lot of my friends have left and gone back to singapore to serve the country ala NS or serve their scholarship sponsors. because people cook, and they can't always finish their food, they have donated/thrown the food to L and her roomate, who'll be here for another few years. So their place is really stocked with food. Of course, being the considerate SNAG, I'm trying to finish the food so that they don't have to move all those stuff a few months later, when I'll be in Singapore and not around to help them. So, I cook. and i think i'm doing a pretty fine job of finishing the stuff. so far, i've made pork stew (using dried chilli, dried cashews, and a packet of pork stew herbs), belachan vegetables (using belachan and chilli powder), cookies (using a lot of baking ingredients), green bean soup (using grean beans lah), and meichai with minced pork (using the meichai that was in the fridge for 8 months). haven't had diarrhea yet, fortunately.

5. i sleep. but i do that all the time, so that doesnt count...

i realise i have a very odd way of ending my posts... so i'll keep that up.


Ang Ku Kueh said...

cookies? u know how to make cookies??? ehehehe....wah...really very SNAG, man. :)

Wallace said...

eh.. online got so many recipes la.. tiramisu, lasagne etc all no ploblem la!