Friday, July 08, 2005

chocolates - the best way to soothe a woman's anger

Thats the title of a presentation I gave for one of my courses (Public Speaking). For the course, we had to prepare something like 6 presentations (which were more like speeches actually), starting off with something simple - a narrative story. Then it progressed in difficulty, to a visual aids presentaion (powerpoint), a persuasive presentation (attempting to sell/ convince people of an idea), and a professional speech.

For the professional speech, we were to envision ourselves as a working professional, presenting to an audience with a purpose. For example, I could be a car salesman presenting a car to potential buyers. Or a marketing analyst presenting to the CEO/execs of a company. Anyway, I acted as working in an advertising agency, presenting an advertising campaign to Hershey's Chocolate. And the title of that campaign is "Chocolate - the best way to sooth a woman's anger"

Why the hell did i choose this topic? well, i think chocolate is really amazing. it really works wonders. just 20 mins ago, L was whining and complaining about her exam. the answer to a question, it seems, is too elusive. and i understand how xian it is to be staring at the same question with little progress. anyway, she's complaining... I give her one chocolate - yup, one small piece (maybe 15grams) of see's candies (and not the whole thing is chocolate) and after she happily nibbles at it, she's now back to work.

Isn't it amazing? no other consumable item is this effective as chocolate.

anyhow, that amazing property of chocolate prompted me to do that topic. besides, it is damn original la. who would think of advertising chocolate as a remedy for PMS? ahahha..

*disclaimer: effects of chocolate vary from person to person. Also, do not attempt to give your girlfriends chocolate when YOU made them angry. it only works if she's mad at something else.

1 comment:

Ang Ku Kueh said...

very good....secret to pass down to ur son...:)