Friday, July 29, 2005

Teh ping

Teh ping, also known as Iced Milk Tea, is currently my favourite drink. its so simple, yet so lovely. the taste is just awesome.

I had four cups of it yesterday.

I went running on the track yesterday, to time my 2.4km run. won't reveal the time here, since a lot of you will start sniggering: "haha, slowcoach" or "wah, like dat still dare to post online".

Anyway, after the run i walked (more like dragged myself) to the nearby coffeeshop and had lunch, with a tehping. after lunch, i da-paoed (take-away) another tehping to have on the way home.

for dinner, i had another tehping. and again, i dapaoed another tehping to sip at my own leisure.

the tehpings caused me to visit the toilet at least 10 times yesterday (which is quite a lot, considering i don't really drink a lot of water usually), and also a slightly numb tongue...

and thus i have decided that i shall not consume more than 2 cups of tehpings a day.

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