Monday, May 01, 2006

New York Trip

I was at NY for a week, on a "business" trip. It wasn't really a business trip of course, since I didn't do any business, but it was paid for by my bank. Cool huh?

For the first time in my 26 years of life, I sat First Class on a long-haul flight (not exactly that long either, cus it was only about 7 hr flying time...). Man, it was so exciting. Now I know what priviledged means...

But enough about the flight, lest you people start thinking I'm bragging... haha..

New York was s-p-l-e-n-d-i-d!

You know how it snows in NY but not London? So I assumed that NY would be colder than London. The weather over here was starting to get warmer, but still required a fleece jacket. Naturally I thought I should bring an overcoat to NY.

BUT, when I exited the airport, instead of the dreary cold weather I was expecting, I found sunshine and a nice cool breeze! Yoohoo!

The good weather persisted all the time for the entire 7 days I was there. How can the weather be so good for so long? Had I gotten so used to London???

I spent the weekend by myself in Manhattan. And guess what I did?

I walked down to Central Park, found a nice patch of green grass, took off my shirt and photosynthesized (vitamin D and melanin that is).

There were a couple of times when I thought to myself "life is good...". Once was when I was in the California sunshine, driving this huge-ass SUV with my gf beside me.

This time in Central Park, I found myself thinking again, "life is good". In case I hadn't told you before, that was one of the most pleasurable things in life (in my opinion of course): Lie in the sun on a patch of green grass with a Jamba Juice (really nice fruit smoothie) in hand.

== on a side note ==
there are a couple of things which I deem to be really enjoyable (not exhaustive list)
- hanging out with a bunch of good friends at a beach BBQ.
- lying on the sand/grass/air mattress at a beach/park/pool under the sun with a nice cool drink. a partner to share the joy would be highly desired as well...
- soaking in a hot tub / jacuzzi (again the cool drink and partner would be nice to have) at a spa or resort
- snowboarding followed by a nice hearty steak and wine

hmm.. come to think of it, I've sort of done all of the above. Except the air mattress part...

The only regret in that trip was that I was alone.

"Rone-ry, I'm so rone-ry..." (its one funny song from the show Team America)

Man, I could go on and on about the trip, I think I'll reserve more for later. Seeya!


Ang Ku Kueh said...

rather rone-ly in NY basking in the sun than work back in london....

i too need a break....have I told you I've not had any yet??? *groan*

Wallace said...

really? no honeymoon?

Ang Ku Kueh said...

yuppers....too busy working...