Monday, May 15, 2006

Little personality/life quiz...

I don't know if we can call it a quiz. You know when somebody asks you this sort of question "you're walking along a path in a forest when the path branches into two. do you take the left fork or the right fork?" if you answer left you're so and so and if you answer right you're so and so...

well i've got a similar question. you can either jot your answers down in the comments or mentally. i'll reveal the answers in about a week.

Form a story using your imagination and creativity using the following nouns:
Yourself (i.e., "Me" or "I")

Have fun!


Ang Ku Kueh said...

The River said to the Rabbit, 'in order for you to get the I-know-how-to-swim-Key-of-Survival on the other side of me, you'll have to go into the water and wade through yourself.'

But Rabbit just went down the side til it saw the bridge and crossed it, then kicked the key into the horrified river.

'no need any key of survival, just brains and good eyesight.' did I do?

Wallace said...

no no no...
you need to be involved in the story!!!

Ang Ku Kueh said...

KNS, i tot must make up the story in the correct sequence that u typed....

argh.....u said creativity....argh...