Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

I had wanted to make some new year resolutions on the previous post. I know I probably won't remember them by the 1st week of January, but I'll try making them anyway just to focus on what I want to achieve.
  1. Get in touch with about 50% of my aquaintences. A superpoke doesn't count. At least a wall post.
  2. Be proactive and productive in my work. So far I've been passive in doing assigned jobs. But any well educated person can do that. I need to do more.
  3. Be a do-er in every aspect of my life. Too many times I have toyed with ideas or felt like doing something (such as organising a meeting with friends) but I simply procrastinated or felt it was too troublesome and then gave up the idea. I realise that some ideas cannot be pursued, but I will try harder not to hesitate and just do it
  4. Play less wow. *glurp*
  5. Care more about the other people around me. With the exception of my gf, I forget birthdays, I don't buy presents, I don't even pay attention on who's going away on holidays and when. To be honest I'm really surprised I have some amazing friends.
  6. Visit Paris. So many years in London and I've never been to Paris. I'm ashamed.

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