Monday, July 24, 2006

What do you think of the middle east crisis?

A colleague asked me that very open-ended question. I usually answer very open ended questions with "huh?".

He elaborated, "Who do you think is responsible?"

"Responsible for the crisis?"

Another colleague interrupted, "Well, you have to go back to who started it right? Its Hezbollah."

"Depends on how far back you go", the colleague that originally asked the question said.

-- lots of stuff about the whole middle east affair, involving iran, syria, etc etc.. finally a lull in the conversation...

"So, how far back would you go?" I asked the colleague that orginally asked the question.



"Yeah when he parted the red sea."

"Moses is dead! How can you still hold him responsible?"

"Maybe he's not dead."

... I left it at that.

1 comment:

luen said...

haha :)