Wednesday, February 08, 2006

6 minute dinner

Preparation: Go to any supermarket, buy a pack of salad, some baby potatoes and some cooked chicken.

Step 1: Place potatoes in a microwavable bowl and cook at high for 4 minutes. Meanwhile, put salad leaves into another bowl and pour desired dressing

Step 2: Place chicken in oven and heat for 2 minutes. Meanwhile, mix potatoes with olive oil and dried herbs.

Step 3: Put together into a bowl (can possibly reuse one of the above two bowls - save 1 minute on washing)


I usually have this, or a variation of this for dinner. Easy peasy, yummy tasty, cheap, nutritious and healthy - relatively.


luen said...

carbs, proteins and fibre... seems balanced enough :) Cannot eat it too often though...

Wallace said...

yeah, getting a bit sian already...

Ang Ku Kueh said...

cook rice lah...or even egg and tomato sandwich the asian way. cube up a hardboiled egg and 1 tomato, mix and put soya sauce/salt/pepper to taste. put magarine on bread and the spread in. eat with some vegetables.:)