Saturday, October 08, 2005


This is my untidy table. It's actually not too bad already. It'll get worse, I tell you.

My bed! I'm so proud of it, because its so beautiful and so nice. I bought a mattress from IKEA that costs 200 pounds (can you believe it?), bedspread that costs 11, duvet that costs 15, duvet/pillow cover set for 24, pillows for 12, another goose feather pillow for 9... the total cost of my bed comes up to about 270 pounds. Money well spent I believe, since I spend 7 hours a day in bed.

Oh, and the little cute bear, with a very un-imaginative name - "bear-bear"... I don't have to say who its from right?

These are my cufflinks I got from NEXT. Pretty cute huh?

I'll post more pictures soon. Take care!


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Ang Ku Kueh said...

wah cufflinks...

luen said...

haha, very cute cufflinks... :) eh, take more pictures around the house leh!