Thursday, August 03, 2006

Achievement this year: Solved Rubic's Cube

Three of my colleagues were given Rubic's Cubes as a toy/collectible/marketing widget. You now like pens, highlighters, post-its, stress-balls...

I was bored one day and picked up one of them and attempted to solve it.

And I did it in 11.75 seconds.

Just joking. I didn't do it at all. 11.75 seconds is the world record for solving the cube. I tried solving it and gave up after 10 minutes -> I had only solved one face.

I had played with the cube before, but never managed to solve it. And I wasn't happy that I couldn't solve it.

So I looked online. Trusty wikipedia... Actually had a page on "How to solve the Rubic's Cube"! Did a bit of reading and found out that its really not difficult. There are algorithms to swap pieces, say, or to "turn" a piece such that its rotated the right way etc. And there are clear steps to take to solve it.

Following instructions, I've managed to solve it in 30 minutes. Subsequently, with practice and memorising some algorithms that I otherwise wouldn't have known, I can solve the cube in 15 minutes.

If people ask me right now, what's my proudest achievement... I think I'll tell them I can solve the Rubic's cube. *victory sign*

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