Thursday, February 05, 2009

Alumni Gathering

Today I was supposed to be playing football. But it got cancelled because of the snow - the pitch I suppose, was covered in it. Luckily there was this stanford alumni event that evening that my colleague (who was also in the same course as me) told me about. So I went together with him.

I had no expectations for that event. It was just a simple gathering at a pub. When we arrived the pub was crowded and we didn't really know who to look for. So we went around and found a small staircase with a little A4 sign with a Stanford logo on it. So we went upstairs, thinking that the whole room would have been reserved.

The room was packed. Like 50 or so people, all in their own cliques talking to each other. We felt a little intimidated. So we bought our drinks, and spent some time surveying the place and trying to at least talk to someone. Turned out that not everybody was there for the same purpose!

So finally we found this table of 4 with again the same Stanford sign on it. Talked to them and realised that the organiser was actually chased out of the pub because it was too crowded to hold organised gatherings there. She was in another pub across the road. We finished our drinks then headed over there.

There were another 5 people with her. Was nicer there as the music wasn't loud and there was a large table that everyone could sit around. We talked in smaller groups and changed seats as and when somebody had to go to the toilet. It was cool, I met mostly everyone there.

I didn't have any expectations, but I was glad that I turned up. Met new people and thoroughly enjoyed myself as they were a genuinely funny bunch! The organiser's going to set up a facebook group and maybe we'll have more of these gatherings in future.

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