Friday, June 30, 2006

Training for a 5k run...

I signed up for this JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 5k run. Just for the fun of it, and also for the free T-shirt that the company is sponsoring =). When I signed up, I felt pretty confident about it - not to win the race la, to complete it in a reasonable time.

But I haven't been running for the past 2 months? Since my toenail turned black, I had several excuses not to go running. House-moving for example, my back ached for the next two days. And then I got struck down with a cold. Slight fever, then coughing and mucus and pleghm. And then the world cup. Its like the world is against me running!

I decided that if i'm going to leave some face for myself, I'd better start moving. So on Tuesday I ran on the treadmill. I started a little too ambitious, and gave up at 2.5k. Today I ran again, and managed to complete the run, though about a minute more than my best time.

ah.. boring post eh. guess nobody's interested in me going to the gym.

But wait! interesting part comes up. I went to the gym at about 4.30pm today. The gym was quite empty. Of 10 or so treadmills only 2 were taken. However, while I was at 2.5k, this plump middle aged indian man comes to the treadmill right next to me. At first it was alright yeah, until he raised his arms to press on the buttons...

* a waft of wind catches the odour under his arm and brings it straight to me *

*breathing heavily.. puff pant... then gag...*

worse still, once he starts running, he rests his arms on top of the treadmill panel! the treadmill is pretty big, the panel comes up all the way to the chest - so his arms were f88king raised!

now, imagine a plump middle aged indian man. arms raised. sweating more heavily than you who still has another 2.5k to go. less than 1m away. with the wind from the cooler blowing air from him to you. with you not being able to help but breathe heavily.

its a nightmare i tell you.

thankfully though, the nose works in magical ways. It gets desensitised after continued exposure to the same smell... and I survived the run.

1 comment:

Ang Ku Kueh said...

he's gay, i tell u! so many treadmill must go to one closest to u! argh!!!

or perhaps, just go to one that's directly under aircon, then others will be smelling u, not u them.:)