Saturday, April 04, 2009

Sun, glorious Sun!

How rare it is for the sun to be shining bright in London. Its out again today! I felt like a typical Angmor... I changed into berms and sandals and walked to the nearest park (Primrose hill - its so pretty!), threw out my gym towel (I was going to wash it after my sunbathing trip) on the grass, took off my shirt, plugged in my ipod, and closed my eyes. Ooooh it felt soooooo gooooood.

There was nobody within 50 meters of me. Clean, green grass and bright sunshine. My words can't do it justice.

But it got a little cold at some point - the wind was pretty strong in an open field... so after about an hour of photosynthesizing, I got up and came back home, all the while still enjoying the warmth of the sunshine on my face.

I never really loved the sun back in Singapore. There was too much of it. And you'll always equate the sun with heat, and with heat comes sweat, smell, and discomfort. But its different here. Six long months of cold, dreary London can really drain your soul... and now Spring is here, and the Sun is back, and I'm like, "Gosh, I really missed you... don't leave me again."

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