Saturday, April 01, 2006

Zen Nano Plus

I bought an MP3 player while I was over there. Always kinda wanted one, but I just couldn't justify buying one, since I hardly listen to music and I probably won't use it at all.

In the end I managed to convince myself why I should get one, reason being: the music they play in the gym is just atrocious. and it seems the staff there can't be bothered to change the CD at all. after months of listening to the same few tracks, I decided enough is enough.

I got Lu-En to help me load it up with a couple of new songs that she got from her housemate - turned out mostly to be Jay Chou. I'm not complaining, I like his songs too.

I listened to the music at the airport, while waiting to board the plane, while in the plane waiting to take off, while the entertainment system was switched off, while waiting to get off the plane, while queuing up to pass through customs, while waiting for my luggage, while taking the train/tube back ... you get the idea. I never thought I would be using it so much, heh but now I really do enjoy listening to music while waiting/travelling.

but then i noticed a problem. in the tube or near the road, the noise is really quite loud - i had to turn up the volume of the player in order to hear the music clearly. obviously, thats not the best solution... so i bought a pair of earphones that plugs into the ears, isolating the noise from the music. and now i'm much happier, listening to music thats just as loud as I want it to be.

i've also used it in the gym, the justification in the first place for buying it.

i love my player =)

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