Monday, May 02, 2011

An appeal to do the right thing.

When considering who to vote for, please ask youselves these questions and answer them as rationally and as sincerely as you can.

1. Is a monopoly in government sustainable? It has probably worked in the past, but will it work in the future? Will the government, perhaps, change the constitution such that elections are now only held every 10 years? Would one day the goverment will only award lucrative government projects to government linked corporations? Or that dissidents are locked up in prison? Or that minister salaries will now be pegged to 2x the salary of the highest paid resident in Singapore?

2. Ask yourself who you trust more, one who has to fight and contest for a seat, or one who sails into paliarment on the back of connections, good luck or good grades?

3. Who really runs the day-to-day of the country and works on policy proposals and other documents? Our MPs or our civil service? Are our MPs really that indispensible?

4. And finally the most important question in my opinion. Please think of the future. Not just of the next five years, but of the next 10, 20, or even 50 years from now. Will you be short-changing yourself for an upgraded flat in the next five years, and giving up a balanced government in the further future?

Think carefully people, and do the right thing.

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