Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back in London

Oh. my. god.

I realised I didn't even let you guys know I came back to london. I had the intention to post something else actually, then realised my last post was about my christmas plans.

So yeah. I'm back in London. Same old routine of work - then wow. then work, then wow. Peppered occasionally with toilet breaks, lunch/dinner breaks, and laundry. Life's routinely uninteresting.

But wait. I'm going back again to Ca-li-fo-ni-a!!

This time its a work trip. Ok, don't ask anymore :D.


But the real reason why I want to post is this. I just watched the show "Pursuit of Happyness". Its not a typo, its meant to be spelt happyness. Quite an inspiring movie and I'm glad I watched it. One line I wish I should never forget...

"Don't ever let ANYONE tell you what you can or cannot do.... when you want something, GO get it."

Nice. Remember that people - don't ever let anyone sway your confidence. =D

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