Friday, August 26, 2005

She's got a nice personality...

I was watching "Guess Guess Guess", a Taiwanese variety show on TV about 2 hours ago with L and her bro, Hunn. There was this segment where 5 girls who are musically talented come on the screen ... *pause for effect* .... I mean, they show themselves to the audience and talk a little about themselves before finally playing a song on an instrument of their choice.

The third girl that came on sent shivers through our spines. She was so "act-cute"!

Hunn described her very well, "She's the type that has 450 friends on friendster".

We all burst out laughing. You know, those kind of girls where the take the picture at an angle, from the top, thus making their face look slimmer and their eyes look bigger?

I understand you people quite busy, so I took the effort to look for a "case-study". Here's an example:

I won't link to her, lest she finds out and bitches about me like XX bitches about people who use her photos. She has 356 friends, by the way.

Anyway, after we finally gotten over the goose-bumps and the shivers, Hunn said the punchline, "I'm sure she's nice la".

We burst out laughing again.

Ladies, I'm sure you know what that really means. Guys are a little less subtle, so I'll explain with the following experience L told us:

She said she was playing taboo with her friends. Its a game where you're supposed to get your team members to say a particular word, without saying some taboo words and the word itself. For example, the word might be "Grass", the taboo words may be "green, blade, ground, plants, hay". So you can say something like, "A cow eats ..." And hopefully someone says "grass".

One person said, "She's got a nice ..."

"Butt". Nope.

"Ass". Uh-uh.

"Chest". *shake head*

"Breast". *sigh*

"Eyes". Uh uh.

"Face". No.

Finally, someone said "Personality". Which isn't the answer, but that isn't important. The important lesson here is the order in which the words came out.

Moral of the story: Use the words "I'm sure she's nice" as a joke, never as a compliment. =)

1 comment:

Ang Ku Kueh said...

i usually reserve such a statement for ppl i dunno well, or heck care. but when i dun like, i'll just say she's lousy....

sadly, a lot of ppl also think i'm 'nice'.