Monday, August 15, 2005

Clerk - Klurk or Klark?

A couple of weeks ago, I was with my friends when somebody mentioned the word, "Clerk". She pronounced it as "klurk". Everyone understood her, but I had another friend that corrected her - should be pronounced as "klark".

Everyone else agreed that it should be "klark". I didn't know, so I made a mental note that clerk should actually be clark.

Until one day I was watching a TV show, and then I heard them pronounce the word as "klurk".

So, should it be "clerk" be pronounced as "klurk" or "klark"?

I looked it up on, and though I don't have speakers, its stated clearly: klurk; British klark. So US is klurk and UK is klark. Given that in Singapore we follow the British English, we should pronounce it as klark. Question answered.

There are numerous other words that have this kinda problem. For example, should "tomato" be pronounced as "tomayto" or "tomahto"?

Should "America" be pronounced as "Air-merica" or "Ay-merica" or "Er-merica"?

Sigh... people should just invent an easy language...

1 comment:

Ang Ku Kueh said...

that's where accents come from mah...