Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Jia Jia Liang Teh?

Have you ever heard the Jia Jia Liang Teh advertisment? I heard it once only, and suspect it might have been my mistake... but I think I heard the words "Jia Jia Liang Teh".

What's wrong? Well, "Jia" and "Liang" are mandarin words, while "Teh" is a dialect word. They're not supposed to appear in the same sentence...

I once ordered, at a dim sum place, "Cha Shao Sou". It sounds alright to me, but actually its a mixture of mandarin "Cha Shao Su" and Cantonese "Cha Siew Sou". The waitress didn't understand me and I also didn't know what was wrong until Lu-En corrected me. hahaha..

and anyway, if Singapore is trying to teach good English/Mandarin, why would they allow an advertisement that mixes both Mandarin and dialect? hmm...

1 comment:

Ang Ku Kueh said...

i tot it quite ingenious everuone will know this brand. only their cha is called teh.