Thursday, December 04, 2008

Job cuts...

So the news is out.. there will be another round of job cuts in the next two weeks. 5000 people to be cut in the division, 1000 from the UK. Already many of my colleagues in HK have been "let go". Everyone is getting paranoid. My mum called to check if I'm ok. She said she'll pray for me at the temple. I think if I get cut, I'll just go home. The job market is so bad that it will probably take me like half a year to get any decent position anywhere...

Not to worry tho... I've already suffered a 30% paycut due to the GBPSGD fx rate... and a 30% cut in my investments... losing a job is no biggie.. pff not like I'll be getting a huge bonus this year, if i'm getting any at all.

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