Thursday, August 24, 2006

So many things happened this week.

1. Cornwall trip. Went down with a couple of friends. Oh man, the scenery was really awesome. Never imagined that a part of England could be so beautiful. Helps that the weather was good. I'll post some pictures soon... or maybe not.. scroll down to see why.

2. At work yesterday, I stood up for myself in a small way. But I felt proud of that. Because usually I'm so acquiescent. Its a long story, but basically somebody decided unilaterally that the presentation should be postponed because the other guys had already taken too much time - and I asked to be given just 5 minutes to present, instead of postponing my 5 min presentation to sometime (who knows when) next week. Eventually I got my way, and I'm happy I did.

3. I had fun at football on Tuesday.

4. I'm going back to Singapore! Tomorrow! That means that I won't be updating the blog (because I don't think I'll have access to the internet. I live in a Kampung hut without a telephone line, not to mention cable/broadband.) for two weeks. Dear friends in Singapore: call me! you know my number!

5. I lost my keys. Its sad.

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