Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Now what did I do today?

1. Went in to office early, as usual. R, the no-lifer who had finished his masters, was in another country at the moment, so when I got into the office, only M, my manager, was there. I didn't greet him cus he was busy with his emails already.

2. I bought cereal and milk from the cafe and ate them while I figured out what I was supposed to do for the day.

3. Did a little bit of stuff here and there, nothing too urgent, nothing too serious, until I smelt something very nice coming from the table next to me. Turned and saw my neighbour eating Cornish Pasty. Ah! lunchtime! I decided to be nice and asked my collegues whether they wanted to grab some lunch. 'Sure!' they all said. So lalalala, we went down to a nearby market and bought pies for lunch. 6 pounds mind u... i won't have that everyday.

4. Went back to office, then did a bit more stuff here and there. Before I knew it, it was 7 and M actually left first! wow! unfortunately I was in the middle of something and decided to finish it first.

5. After I finished whatever I was doing, it was already 7.30. Then I went to the gym and ran. then I showered and came back home, hungry and tired.

6. My housemates mum is staying with us now. She cooked dinner and left some for me. I reached home at about 9 and ate like a pig. Caught a bit of soccer on TV - England 2, Poland 1. Nice goal, the last one.

7. Now I'm going to sleep like a pig.

Later folks!


luen said...

wah, you have to smell people's food before you know it's lunch time? My stomach automatically reminds me it's lunch time about 2h in advance... :P

Ang Ku Kueh said...

hehehe...sounds quite heavenly, your day, no matter how mundane it is. :)