Sunday, June 05, 2005

Why have I started a blog?

1. It is inevitable. Everyone will blog one day.

2. I need to keep in touch with my friends. Blogging is one easy way out

3. I have always wanted to keep a record of my life. But I hate keeping journals and diaries because I never had the commitment to continue writing for a few days. I hope I can keep this writing in the blog tho.


luen said...

hehehe... you have ur first proper entry! :) And your template's the same as mine but in a different colour... awww... (oops, shld be doing my finals... eeeps :P)

Ang Ku Kueh said...


wally! you are blogging, ahahahah!!! welcome! I shall promptly add you to my links! thanks for supporting me! and thanks for setting up your own blog so I can update on you guys (+luen!)!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA welcome to the dark side! Remember the time you wrote a guest entry in my journal like ages ago? now, THAT was your first entry okay. Not to worry, it's safely burnt on a CD I have of all my old entries. ;)