Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Irony

When you're happy, you wish time would come to a standstill; when you're sad you hope that time would quickly pass and heal all wounds... Yet when you're happy time passes by so fast; when you're sad the going is slow...


Anyway, to find out what I was doing in California, you can simply visit my other half's website.

I also bought a Creative Zen Nano Plus. Wah damn long name... they really should simplify the names a bit. More on that next time.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sigh... The end of another glorious holiday.

Life has been too good this past week. Sigh...

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Guys, I'm going over to the States to visit my gf. We'll be going snowboarding for 3 days, a bit of eating at various places, and san francisco for a whole day of sightseeing. :D

I'm grinning from ear to ear :D

Won't be updating my blog for at least a week, just so you know.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Did I mention that as I grew older i got more cynical? Well, I think I just got older again.

There's been some big reorganisation where I work. My boss's boss got placed into some unknown position, the whole department got absorbed into another department, and the head of one of the groups got replaced. We've basically been taken over. From behind.

So the new boss came in today and gave a talk. He started by saying "my main message is one of reassurance. Nothing is going to change. We recognise this is one of the main businesses. We are going to maintain this business. this is my main point i want to make..." and went on for another 5 minutes.

Err.. hello? we're not stupid? we get the point you're trying to make BUT your point doesn't make sense. If nothing is going to change then why the reorganisation?

then another new boss chimed in and tried to reassure us again. he mentioned something about other restructuring was mainly done to fix broken businesses, this is done to further grow the profits.

somehow this sounds vaguely familiar to "its not your fault, its mine..." when a couple breaks up, or to "you're not ugly, you're unique".

And then after they finished speaking, of course there were a few thinly concealed hostile questions. and then the new boss started admitting that there will be seating changes etc, there will be movements, there will be displacements.

Er... didn't you just reassure us nothing is going to change? seems everybody in the room was diplomatic enough not to mention that.

Best of all, one of the managers, one of us who's getting a new boss, said to the new boss, "this may sound banal, but I think I am saying this for all of us, including the management team, that you have our support, 100%"

I left the room feeling disgusted. One, there's this backstabbing at the highest level, for own personal gain, yet veiled as though it is for the "alignment of the bank". Two, this manager has just performed a textbook example of this saying in Chinese "jian4 feng1 shi3 duo4" (change the sail according to the wind) that I don't really know how to say in English. Well, I've never seen it at this level.

My eyes are opening wider.

I'm lucky to be a small fry...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Moral Compass

There was a time when I thought everything was either right or wrong. As I grew up, I learnt that was not the case, and slowly became more jaded and cynical. Nowadays, I just brush aside any consideration of morality, especially when it doesn't concern me.

I think thats a good thing, not judging people. Thing is, I'm wondering if I'll ever judge myself.

I haven't had any moral/ethical issues to deal with, so I wouldn't know. I'm just wondering if something come up, would I be lost?

ahh.. I'm busy, let me continue with my TV.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Weather here...

They say in London, if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute - it will change.

Well, thats not exactly true. You'll usually have to wait a week. Its been sub-zero for the past week, but its getting warmer now, thankfully.

Its weird though... it was sunny last week, but yet so cold. Its raining now, but its much warmer. Given a choice, would you pick sunny but cold or raining but warm (well, i mean warm as in 12 degrees celsius)?

Its a tough choice I think. If I'm indoors, i'd prefer sunny but cold. if i'm outdoors without an umbrella, sunny but cold. if I'm outdoors with an umbrella, raining but warm. if i'm playing soccer, sunny but cold. ah.. i'm crappy eh.

my point is the weather here is weird. I knew it was going to get warmer this week, but I didn't expect it to get wetter as well. *sigh*

Thursday, March 02, 2006


There's this guy in the office that loves to fool around, joke, and discuss random things. Today he asked me, what does my surname mean? Seriously I didn't think it meant anything, but I told him it meant "Yellow".

He kept laughing away. And basically told everyone around him "Did you know his surname means yellow?" and started laughing again...

I wasn't offended but i don't see what's so funny.. i mean, there are funnier surnames right, like White, Black, or I dunno.. Bush?